Friday, September 01, 2006

Berat Badan, Konsumsi Obat, Wanita hamil dan Menyusui

Apakah Intra dan Nutria dapat menaikkan berat badan?
1 ons intra = 12 kalori, intra dan nutria tidak mengandung protein dan lemak sehingga tidak akan menaikkan berat badan.

Bagaimana dengan orang yang sedang mengkonsumsi obat?
Jika anda sedang mengkonsumsi obat atau menderita suatu kondisi medis yang parah, ada baiknya praktisi kesehatan yang merawat anda memantau keadaan anda saat anda menggunakan produk Lifestyles. Kami sarankan untuk mengkonsumsi intra dan nutria secara berkala. Konsumsi intra dengan 0,25 sloki perhari dan nutria 0,5 kapsul perhari selama 10 hari tingkatkan dosisnya secara perlahan.

Apakah Intra dan Nutria dapat dikonsum oleh wanita hamil atau menyusui?
Intra aman karena formula seimbang tanpa dosis tinggi apda tiap ekstrak herbalnya yang juga telah diklasifikasikan oleh MCA, Health Canada dan FDA sebagai makanan dan berada dalam daftar GRAS, yang diakui aman. Tak ada bahan dalam intra yang menghalangi wanita hamil atau menyusui untuk mengkonsumsinya satu ons (28ml). Semua orang, khususnya wanita hamil, perlu meningkatkan asupan buah-buahan dan sayuran segar. Nutria memberikan fitonutrien. Yang terpenting 2 kapsul nutria mengandung 44 mcg Asam Folat yang amat penting untuk pertumbuhan anak. Sifat antioksidan nutria menguntungkan, membuat ibu dan anak lebih sehat. Jika wanita hamil kesulitan menelan kapsul, pilihan yang memungkinkan adalah membuka kapsul dan menaburkan isinya ke dalam makanan atau minuman. Selama anda mengkonsumsi dengan jumlah yang dianjurkan -2 kapsul per hari, maka anda boleh mengkonsumsi nutria di saat hamil.

Anak, Anak Autis dan Atlit

Apakah Intra dan Nutria dapat dikonsumsi anak? Bagaimana dengan anak autis?
Meskipun alergi terhadap produk Lifestyles jarang terjadi... intra dan nutria merupakan produk makanan dan mungkin sejumlah anak alergi terhadap salah satu bahan formulanya. Kami menganjurkan untuk memulai dengan dosis awal antara 2 hingga 5 ml untuk menghindari reaksi alergi, Jika alergi terjadi, maka sebaiknya tidak mengkonsumsi tersebut.
Sesudahnya, bisa ditambahkan dosis hingga 15-20 ml untuk anak-anak dibawah 5 tahun, sampai 30 ml untuk anak-anak di atas 5 tahun. Jika anak anda sedang mengkonsumsi obat atau menderita kondisi medis tertentu seperti Autis, sebaiknya di pantau oleh praktisi kesehatan yang merawat anak anda saat mengkonsumsi produk Lifestyles.

Apakah Intra dan Nutria aman untuk Atlit?

Intra dan Nutria tidak mengandung steroid jenis apapun. Kebanyakan tumbuhan mengandung zat yang disebut sterol yang merupakan bagian dari pembuatan alami mereka. Sterol berbeda dengan steroid, intra dan nutria bebas alkohol atau zat-zat terlarang lainnya dan tidak akan mengakibatkan seorang atlet teruji positif atas penggunaan zat terlarang. Produk herbal yang ada di pasaran mengandung Ma Huang, yang mungkin termasuk dalam daftar bahan terlarang untuk atlet karena mengandung stimulan (perangsang) yang disebut efedrin. Lifestyles tidak menggunakan herba Ma Huang ini. Kadar cukup tinggi untuk bisa mengakibatkan teruji positif.

Norik ... menyalin dari brosur Lifestyles Indonesia.

Penderita Diabetes dan Hipertensi

Apakah Intra & Nutria aman untuk dikonsumsi oleh penderita gula darah (diabetes)?
Tiap produk lifestyles mencantumkan nutrisi yang memperlihatkan jumlah total karbohidrat. 1 ons intra = 3 gram gula = gula dalam 1 ons jeruk. Gula yang terkandung dalma intra terdiri dari 60% glukosa dan 40% fruktosa. Ekstrak herbal dalam intra dan nutria tidak akan mengakibatkan naiknya tingkat gula dalam tubuh. Tetapi perlu untuk mengkonsultasikan produk ini pada praktisi kesehatan untuk mendiskusikan implikasinya bila menambahkan produk ini pada perencanaan makanannya.

Apakah Intra & Nutria aman untuk dikonsumsi oleh Penderita Hipertensi?
Intra dan nutria tidak akan mengakibatkan naiknya tekanan darah. Ekstrak akar licorice dalam intra telah melewati proses deglycyrrhizinasi. Ini berarti semua glycyrrhizin telah disingkirkan dan yang ada tinggal flavonoid yang bermanfaat. Glycyrrhizin berpotensi menaikkan tekanan darah jika dikonsumsi dalam jumlah tinggi untuk jangka waktu yang lama. Untuk itulah, kami mengyingkirkan komponen akar licorice yang digunakan dalam intra ini. Intra juga mengandung ginseng siberia (sepupu keluarga ginseng panax) yang tidak akan mengakibatkan tekanan darah dan aman untuk dikonumsi sehari-hari.

Kerja Intra dan Nutria dan Konsumsi Jk Panjang

Apakah Intra dan Nutria aman untuk dikonsumsi dalam jangka waktu panjang?
Selama beberapa tahun, kami tidak menerima laporan mengenai interaksi negatif Intra & Nutria dengan pengobatan. Kunci keamanannya adalah tidak menggunakan dosis tinggi dalam tiap ekstrak herbal sehingga menjadi ramuan seimbang dan berada pada tingkat makanan.

Bagaimana Intra dan Nutria bekerja dalam tubuh?
Intra dan Nutria terbuat dari ekstrak herbal yang telah distandarisasi dan lulus ujicoba. Mengandung banyak unsur pembangun kesehatan yang bekerja mendukung fungsi tubuh di tingkat sel dengan cara kerja memperbaiki kerja sel-sel yang lebih lemah. Hasilnya, setiap orang mendapat manfaat yang berbeda karena setiap orang berbeda sel-sel yang lemahnya satu sama lain.
Misal: Pada sel Syaraf untuk seseorang yang sel-sel dalam sistem syarafnya lemah atau bermanfaat pada fungsi kekebalan pada seseorang yang aktivitas sel kekebalannya lemah.
Seperti yang ditulis dalam brosur lifestyles indonesia.

Manfaat Nutria dan Intra di bulan Puasa

Manfaat Intra di bulan Puasa
v Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, melawan zat-zat berbahaya bagi tubuh.
v Membantu pembuangan bahan tidak berguna dan racun dalam tubuh.
v Memberikan asupan nutrisi
v Memperbaiki system pencernaan

Manfaat Nutria di bulan Puasa
Ø Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, melawan zat-zat yang berbahaya bagi tubuh.
Ø Memberikan asupan nutrisi seperti mineral, vitamin dsb.
Ø Antioksidan untuk melawan radikal bebas yang berbahaya bagi tubuh.

Don't work too hard as your best bounty could come from anywhere.

Manfaat Berpuasa bagi Tubuh

Ramadhan telah tiba…! Bulan puasa bagi muslim. Banyak tantangan dan godaan yang akan dihadapi. Selain melakukan aktivitas seperti biasa sekolah, bekerja, menjaga anak dan lain2. Ibadah Puasa juga harus dilakukan dengan cara yang terbaik. Karena itu Penting untuk menjaga kondisi tubuh tetap sehat dan fit selama menjalan ibadah puasa sambil tetap beraktivitas.

Puasa adalah ibadah, puasa juga membuat tubuh lebih sehat, tahukah anda apa kemungkinan yang terjadi dengan tubuh kita saat berpuasa.
Terjadi proses pembuangan bahan-bahan tidak berguna/racun dalam tubuh kita.
Tenaga yang dipakai untuk proses pencernaan dialihkan untuk fungsi tubuh yang lainnya seperti fungsi kekebalan tubuh, pertumbuhan sel dan proses pembuangan lainnya.
Zat kimia yang tersimpan dalam lemak lebih cepat dibuang
Sirkulasi darah dan oksigen lebih lancar
Berkurangnya asupan mineral
Perbaikan sel-sel tubuh

Konsumsilah nutrisi tambahan di bulan puasa untuk mengantisipasi kekurangan salah satu nutrisi. Konsumsilah Intra dan Nutria

Tidak Sehatnya Makanan Sehat Kita

Buah dan sayuran seharusnya bermanfaat bagi kita! Tetapi, penelitian menemukan bahwa 20% buah dan sayuran yang dijual di Kanada tercemar Pestisida. Dan 1,1% dari sample tersebut pencemarannya telah melebihi batas maksimum … said Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
Tapi itu kan di Kanada, mungkinkah di Indonesia lebih baik dari pada di Kanada? Cukup ketatkah peraturan di Indonesia berkaitan hal tersebut?

Solusinya à cuci buah dan sayuran dengan air bersih, if possible pilih buah dan sayuran organic. Makanan organic dibudidayakan dengan kualitas tanah yang tidak menggunakan pestisida. Nutrisinya lebih baik dan juga mengurangi polusi tubuh. Meskipun sudah dicuci dan menggunakan makanan organic, anda tetap akan terpapar pestisida dan bahan kimia lainnya dari lingkungan.

Solusi Terbaik à Lakukan detoksifikasi tubuh anda dari bahan polusi. Antioksidan dalam nutria dan campuran 23 Herba dalam intra sangat membantu anda untuk membersihkan polusi tubuh. Tambahkan nutrisi ini dapat meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh anda bahkan dapat membantu memperbaiki kerusakan tubuh akibat lingkungan yang beracun.

Dalam dunia yang tidak sehat ini…. Andalkan Intra dan Nutria!


Monday, July 31, 2006

Dapatkan Manfaat NUTRIA

Kiat-kiat konsumsi Nutria:

  • Hindarkan produk yg mengandung kafein 30-45 menit sebelum atau sesudah mengkonsumsi nutria.
  • Nutria dapat dikonsumsi sepanjang hari, sebaiknya disertai dengan makanan agar memaksimalkan penyerapan zat gizi yang bermanfaat.
  • Kapsul nutria dapat dikonsumsi dgn menaburkan isinya diatas makanan atau mencampurnya dengan jus buah atau sayuran kesukaan anda.
  • Zat-zat gizi yang terkandung dalam nutria bekerja secara sinergis dengan produk-produk Lifestyles yang lain sehingga manfaatnya akan bertambah jika dikonsumsi secara bersamaan.

Norik Indradjit

Fail to Plan mean Plan to Fail......Plan for the Inevitable thing.


Nutria mengandung sejenis selenium yang sangat istimewa yang disebut SelenoExcell TM. Selenium jenis ini sangat berbeda dari selenium pada suplemen lainnya. Selenium dihasilkan 100% dari produksi ragi secara organic. SelenoExcell TM telah dipilih dalam penelitian bidang kesehatan. Sebagai sumber nutrisi alami, ragi mewakili proses pertukaran yang dialami semua tanaman (contohnya pada bawang putih dan brokoli). Proses alami tanaman ini mengubah selenium inorganic (bioavailability rendah, potensial mengandung racun) menjadi bentuk organic yang lebih aman (bioavailability tinggi) untuk meningkatkan penyerapan dalam tubuh.

Norik Indradjit…,
Work Anywhere, Earn Anytime
TheBounty will come from the unexpected way
See for HomeSchool information

Vitamin dan Mineral

Nutria mengandung vitamin dan mineral yang diperoleh dari sumber alami, tidak menggunakan zat gizi sintesis. Formulasi produk ini terdiri dari beraneka antioksidan vitamin dan mineral yang bertujuan untuk menyediakan perlindungan antioksidan secara maksimum.

Norik Indradjit…,
Work Smart with Passion & Pray, cause
The Bounty will come from the unexpected way

Keunggulan NUTRIA

Semua buah dan sayuran mengandung lebih dari 95% air. Dengan memindahkan airnya, kami mengambil vitamin, mineral, enzim dan fitonutrien yang secara alami terdapat pada tanaman tanpa mengikutkan seluruh kalori dan gula yang ada. Ekstrak buah dan sayuran yang terdapat dalam nutria disarikan dengan panas rendah, proses pengeringannya juga tetap bisa mempertahankan nutrisi alami seperti nutrisi yang terkandung dalam buah dan sayuran aslinya.

Norik Indradjit…,
Don’t work too hard, cause The Bounty will come from the unexpected way
See : for islamic finance.


Pemenuhan nutrisi melalui makanan yang kita konsumsi setiap hari diharapkan sudah cukup membuat kita sehat. Tapi factor lingkungan seperti polusi, pertanian modern dan proses pembuatan makanan memberikan pengaruh yang besar sehingga kandungan nutrisi dalam makanan jadi kurang. Kekurangan vitamin dan mineral yang biasa terjadi pada wanita… kalsium, zat besi, asam folat, vitamin e dan seng…, sedangkan untuk pria adalah Vitamin D, Vitamin E, asam folat dan dan seng. Kurangnya mengkonsumsi sayur2an buah2an , makanan berserat dan nutrisi dari tumbuh2an. Padahal Nutrisi penting untuk mencegah:

-Osteoporosis melalui vitamin D dan Kalsium
-Jantung melalui vitamin E dan asam folat
-Cacat pada bayi melalui spina bifida (asam folat),
-Anemia melalui Zat besi
-Kegagalan system kekebalan melalui Seng, ektrak tumbuhan
-Kanker melalui fitonutrien daalam buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran dan serat.

Faktanya, meskipun rasanya makanan yang dikonsumsi telah cukup bergizi, kita masih tetap butuh intra dan nutria setiap hari he eh untuk mendapatkan kesehatan optimal. Jadi , jika ingin tetap sehat, ikuti Gaya Hidup Lifestyles (Dijelaskan dalam buku Fighting Body Pollution) dalam melawan polusi tubuh dan konsumsi makanan tambahan Lifestyles setiap hari. See for more info

Norik Indradjit
Rejeki akan datang dari Arah yang tak terduga.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Intra dulu..., nutrianya bulan depan

Semenjak kepindahan kantor dari gedung siemens ke gedung BRI 2 Sudirman, kayaknya makin rame saja yang berminat jadi distributor produk2 lifestyles....? Soalnya waktu gue beli intra minggu lalu, ternyata cukup banyak yang ngantri untuk beli buat teman2 or koleganya.... Tadinya sih saya mau beli Nutria... suplemen with high selenium. tapi karena dengan paket promo trionya intra.., ya jadi beli intra saja dengan porsi yang sedikit dilebihin.

Oh ya.. kalau mau baca journal saya yang lebih aktif..., baca di , kayaknya mau lebih banyak posting disana dibandingkan ke frienster deh.

Norik Indradjit
More about ilmu waris dalam Islam...

intra... beli tiga dapat extra satu

Belum lama ini secara personal saya beli Intra satu box. wow, emang ada apa ? ternyata beli trio dapat satu intra. Ya sudah saya beli sembilan saja sekalian, jadi dapat gratis 3 kan. Intra ini sudah menjadi salah satu suplemen untuk saya, istri dan si larasati. dari kita bertiga yang paling doyan ya. ... si larasati. ? Kalau lagi mau mulai sakit.., pasti dia minta intra ... . , Intra pap, dua sloki ya.
But anyway... kita memang senang karena kalau dilihat dari ingredientnya ya kayak jamu, tapi rasanya enak. Jadi worth to drink, and senang minumnya.

Rejeki Sering datang dari arah yang tidak terduga.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Lifestyles intra, a herbal botanical blend

For thousands of years people the world over have safely used natural botanicals including roots, tree bark, leaves, berries and blooming flowers for their unique health-building properties. The extracts from these plants contain an abundance of disease fighting antioxidants, flavonoids and trace minerals that are lacking in modern diets. The creation of lifestyles intra brings modern science and traditional wisdom together to produce the world's most unique and effective botanical blend

Intra Amazing Benefit
Due to the incredible benefits of Lifestyles intra, it has become one of the most popular herbal blends in the world today. Lifestyles intra juice provides nutrients that are no longer found in our food, but are essential to our bodies. Provides all the benefits of traditional botanicals without the side effects of modern drugs. Helps keep the body free of modern pollutants and toxic chemicals. Helps maintain a healthy immune system. Strong in antioxident ingredients that are specifically formulated to support the body at the cellular level. People feel great! They have more energy and intra maintains the feeling of wellbeing. 10 years on the market

Intra ingredients
Intra Liquid:Deionized water,
  1. Pear juice (from concentrate),
  2. High-fructose corn syrup,
  3. Aloe vera gel (Aloe barbadenis; from concentrate),
  4. Cellulose gum,
  5. Potassium sorbate,
  6. Siberian ginseng extract (Eleutherococcus senticosus),
  7. Licorice root extract (Glcyrrhiza species),
  8. Astragalus root extract (Astragalus membranaceus),
  9. Reishi mushroom extract (Ganoderma lucidum),
  10. Chinese pearl barley extract (Coix lacryma-jobi),
  11. Schisandra berry extract (Schisandra chinenis),
  12. Rose hip extract (Rosa species),
  13. Chicory root extract (Cichorium intybus),
  14. Dandelion root extract (Taraxacum officinale),
  15. German chamomile extract (Chamomilla recutita),
  16. Alfalfa herb extract (Medicago sativa),
  17. Cascara bark extract (Rhamnus purshiana),
  18. Fenugreek seed extract (Trigonella doenum-graecum),
  19. Bee pollen (Apis Pollenus),
  20. Pipsissewa extract (Chimaphila umbellata),
  21. Juniper berry extract (Juniperus communis),
  22. Ginger root extract (Zingiber officinale),
  23. Celery seed extract (Apium graveolens),
  24. Sarsaparilla extract (Smilax species),
  25. Passion flower extract (Passiflora incarnata),
  26. Thyme extract (Thymus vulgarius),
  27. Capsicum friuit extract (Capsicum species),
  28. Tartaric acid.

What if you could go back to the Beginning

What if you could go backto the beginning.
Long before recorded history herbs, plants, roots, tree bark, leaves and blooming flowers - the botanicals - were sources of food. Later, as a dynamic evolution of humankind's relationaship with nature, botanicals came into wide use for their apparent ability to enhance health.

Over time this simple botanical knowledge was perfected, shared and eventually recorded. Documentation of specific botanical blends date back over three thousand years. These early formulas were deemed effective in maintaining optimal health.

Today, modern science and traditional wisdom have come together to produce the world's most unique botanical blend. Formulated with 23 individual botanical extracts, Intra herbal is a complete, natural-source botanical product in a convenient and pleasant-tasting daily drink or in easy-to-use capsule form.To ensure that Intra herbal continues to meet only the highest levels of quality - incorporating the latest advancements in botanical standardisation methods - Lifestyles is proud to work in association with Frutarom Meer Corporation, one of the worlds largest suppliers of botanical ingredients.

Significant advances in extraction and standardisation techniques, pioneered and developed by Frutarom Meer, have resulted in superior quality botanical ingredients which are prepared under carefullly controlled conditions to retain their essential components.

But Lifestyles commitment to product excellence doesn't end there. Our manufacturing facilities adhere to the most stringent quality control measures in the world, including GMP and HACCP, so you can rest assured that what goes in each and every bottle of Intra herbal is as good as traditional wisdom and modern science can offer.

Since you can't go back to the beginning - we brought a little of the beginning back to you.

Answering common questions about LIFESTYLES INTRA

Does Intra contain vitamins and minerals?
Intra contains only trace amounts of vitamins and minerals. If you have been taking a vitamin or nutritional supplement, you should continue to do so while taking Intra. top

Is Intra safe for anyone to use?
Intra is a dietary supplement, not a drug. However, anyone who has a medical condition or who is at all concerned should consult their doctor before using the product.

Intra has been formulated specifically for daily use by people of all ages. The formula incorporates a moderate level of each herbal extract ensuring that intra is very safe for daily consumption. The herbal extracts used in intra are classified as Food Supplements, which are completely non-toxic. In addition, the botanicals used in intra are all on the GRAS (Generally Recognised as Safe) list. This is an international system that recognises foods and ingredients that are safe for human consumption. top

Will taking intra increase my blood pressure?
Intra will not cause a rise in blood pressure. The licorice root extract in intra is deglycyrrhizineted. This means all the glycyrrhizin has been removed and the only beneficial flavonoids remain.

Glycyrrhizin has the potential to raise blood pressure if high concentrations are consumed for long periods of time. For this reason, we have removed this component of the licorise root used in intra.

Intra contains a very moderate, balanced botanical formulation with no single botanical present in high concentrations. This is the key to the safety of the formula. top

Can Lifestyles products be used by diabetics?
Diabetics, in consultation with their doctor, eat a diet based on the Food Exchange List. This means being able to make choices from several different categories in a strictly controlled manner.

Lifestyles products may be consumed by diabetics as long as they are incorporated into each individuals daily Food Exchange List. This means that some of the foods presently being consumed would have to be discontinued to allow for the consumption of Lifestyles products. All diabetics who would like to use the products should consult their doctor for assistance in adjusting their food intake. We suggest you take along the following information to your Doctor or health practitioner:

Nutrition information per 1oz serving:

Calories..................12 cal

The total sugars are 3 grams per 1oz serving and is comprised of 60% glucose and 40% fructrose. The botanical extracts contained in the intra formula will not cause a rise in sugar levels in the body. top

How much sugar does Intra® contain?
Intra contains 3 grams of sugar per one ounce serving. This is the exact same amount of sugar that one ounce of orange juice contains. Anyone with diabetes should take note on this. Intra capsules contain no added sugar. The sugar content that occurs naturally from juice crystals is less than 1/2 of a gram per two capsules. top

How many calories are there in an ounce of Intra?
Intra contains 12 calories per ounce. All coming from carbohydrates. Intra contains no fat or protein. top

What would explain a new customer experiencing an uncommon reaction such as headache, nausea or diarrhoea after using the products?
All Lifestyles products are either food supplements or meal replacements. As with any food product, a small percentage of people may have a food allergy or food intolerance to a certain ingredient used in that product. Common intolerance's include lactose intolerance (dairy products) and gluten intolerance (wheat, oats rye). If a person has an intolerance or an allergy to an ingredient, they should not consume that product. Also, many people are not used to eating properly and their bodies may need time to adjust to improved nutrition. These people may quite safely continue to use our products, however, they may find it necessary to reduce their consumption of the products until their bodies have adjusted. top

Is Intra free of Gluten/Wheat and safe for Coeliacs?
Yes. It is safe for Coeliacs. The Chinese Pearl Barley extract in Intra does not contain gluten (which is the protein component of barley). There have been many Coeliacs who take intra and report no adverse reactions. If you are sensitive to other ingredients we suggest you start slowly with your intra, 1/4 to 8/10ml per day and work up from there. top

Is it OK to take Intra® everyday for a long period of time?
Yes, Intra® was developed for this exact purpose using purified herbal extracts in relatively low dosage, balanced formulation. Many herbal experts recommend that high dosages of single herbs taken for only short periods of time. However, this does not apply with Intra. Each individual will require balancing in a different way and so the effects can be expected to be different from person to person. top

y are the effects of consistent use of Intra apparently different in each person?
Intra is a composite of 23 different botanical extracts. It really is a case of the whole thing being more than the sum of its parts. Many of the ingredients react synergistically with each other producing additional benefits that individual ingredients may not. No one ingredient is vital but the combination is. In addition, Intra is designed to balance the body's system. top

Can Pregnant or Nursing mothers take intra?
Yes. But not more than one ounce per day and listen to your body. top

Why does Intra® taste slightly different from bottle to bottle?
Intra is a natural product and contains botanicals whose sources include roots, leaves, barks and berries. As these botanicals are grown in their natural environment, they are exposed to nature's ever changing elements and conditions. When these ingredients are combined with other extracts to form a botanical blend, slight variations in taste may occur. The difference in taste does not affect the overall quality of the product. top

Does the hot-fill bottling system affect the herbs in Intra?
No. Most of the botanicals used in Intra are extracted using heat. As a result these extracts are not affected by the temperatures used in the hot-fill system, a system which was designed in consultation with industry experts. top

Are the herbs in Intra grown organically?
All botanicals used in Intra are grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilisers. However, these botanicals are grown in many different countries around the world, all with different regulations pertaining to organic foods. As a result, we are technically unable to claim that Intra is an organic product. top

I thought the juice in intra liquid was important?
The juice in Intra liquid is very important as a natural sweetener as well as an excellent aid to the absorption of the herbs. That is why we included the freeze-dried orange juice crystals in the Intra capsules When the Intra capsules are taken with water the juice crystals mix with the water in the stomach to form orange juice which then assists the absorption of the herb in the body. top

What are standardised herbal extracts?
Herbal standardisation is the ability to extract the active components (the parts of each herbs known to be beneficial to health) of a herb at a consistent level each time. Once the extraction is complete, sophisticated measuring devices are used to ensure that the active components have been fully extracted. Standardisation ensures that each bottle of Intra contains the exact same level of active ingredients. top

Are there any other products on the market like intra?
Intra is unique. The formula is a closely guarded secret. There are some products similar to Intra but one should be aware that many herbal products tested are inferior due to poor formulation, incorrect extraction methods, and incorrect or mutilated ingredients. top

Is it OK to give Intra® to animals?
Yes. Animal's bodies respond positively in the same way as humans to collect food and nutrients. top

I have heard of natural products causing positive results in Sports drugs tests. Is Intra OK for Sports people to take?
Intra contains no banned substances. Ephedra is a common herb used to produce energy. It is a banned substance but is still used by some manufacturers. Ephedra would cause failure of a drug test, Intra does not create a positive result in such tests. Sports people should be encouraged to take intra for the added nutrient value and that's why it is officially taken by many top Olympic athletes. top

What time of the day should I take intra?
First thing in the morning is best but Intra can be take at anytime when it is convenient. top

How do the intra capsules differ from intra liquid?
There is no difference in the formula between the liquid and the capsules. Two Intra capsules provide the same level of standardised botanicals as 1 ounce of Intra liquid. top

Suggested use
We feel more than 6 ounces is unnecessary. Consumption should be based on body weight. Average adult 1 to 2 oz per day. Above average adult 2 oz per day minimum. Child over 2 years and under 14 years, one fifth of an ounce to one ounce depending on size and body weight.

Liquid: Take 1fl. oz. (28mL) one time daily. Shake well before using and refrigerate after opening.

Capsule: Take 2 to 4 capsules daily with water.

23 of the worlds finest herbs

  1. • Schisandra berry (Schisandra chinensis)Used in different combinations for thousands of years. Contemporary research has focused on Schisandra's very strong antioxidant characteristics.
  2. • Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)Referred to in imperial China as "the elixir of life", its use was reserved for the emperor.
  3. • Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza species)Native to the Middle East and China. Called the elder statesman because it was thought to harmonize and unify other botanicals within a formulation.
  4. • Chinese rose hips (Rosa laevigata)Among the various species of roses used for their fruits, the fruits of the R. Laevigata. are the most highly valued traditionally by the Chinese. Classical writings report its effects as "resistant to cold and light in body". High in bioflavonoids, plant acids and other nutrients. Native to China and Japan.
  5. • Chicory (Cichorium intybus)Native to Europe and Asia Traditionally used as a food and as an ingredient in healing mixtures.
  6. • Bee pollenRich in nutrients including vitamins, minerals, proteins and amino acids; 2000-year-old Chinese legend claims that long-term use will cause one to "be light in body and live forever".
  7. • Celery seed (Apium graveolens)Native to Southern Europe believed to diffuse through the system a relaxing influence.
  8. • Alfalfa (Medicago sativa)Native to the Near East, now found worldwide; rich in vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, amino acids, and protein; used traditionally as a nutrient to increase vitality.
  9. • Passion flower (Passiflora incarnata)Native to southern US where it was highly valued by Cherokee Indians, who believed it to be of great importance and used it in a wide range of traditional preparations.
  10. • Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)Known for its strong roots - and perceived as a symbol of strength and longevity. Native to Europe; grown and used around the world.
  11. • Juniper Berries (Juniperus communis)Native to Eastern Europe, some specimens of Juniper are over 1000 years old. The resinous aromatic berry-cones were highly valued by early Europeans who believed the evergreen Juniper to represent life power. Used in the preparation of medicinal juniper and as a classic flavoring ingredient.
  12. • Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)Native to the Mediterranean region; now extensively cultivated worldwide. It has germicidal properties; and it is commonly used in cosmetics, food and pharmaceuticals.
  13. • Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)Mainly found in the Middle East and Mediterranean region. One of the truly ancient remedy plants with records of use dating back millennia to ancient Egypt. Said to impart "fire and vigor."
  14. • Ginger (Zingiber officinale)Native to Southern Asia; cultivated in tropics worldwide. Traditionally thought to cleanse the system. Modern studies have shown it to have antioxidant properties.
  15. • Capsicum fruit (Capsicum species)Rich in vitamins, traditionally used to enhance the functioning of the body's internal systems; commonly used to help improve action of other botanicals in formulations.
  16. • Sarsaparilla (Smilax officinale)Native to tropical America and the West Indies. long famed as a folk remedy and currently used in many food products.
  17. • Chinese Pearl barley (Coix lacryma-jobi)With a use history of over 2000 years, it possesses qualities similar to oriental ginseng, but in a milder form. Found in tropical regions worldwide.
  18. • Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis)Highly regarded as an ingredient in many Western folk remedies. Now widely used in the health food and cosmetic industries.
  19. • Pipsissewa (Chimaphila umbellata)Extensively used by Native American Indians. Native to northern North America from Quebec to Georgia.
  20. • Cascara bark (Rhamnus purshiana)Known as "sacred bark" by Spanish explorers. Native to the Pacific coast of North America; harvested by early American natives who felt it had strengthening properties.
  21. • German chamomile (Chamomilla recutita)Native to Europe; legendary, since ancient times, as an aid to relaxation.
  22. • Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus)Considered one of the superior botanicals. Many experts consider it superior even to ginseng in various aspects.
  23. • Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus)One of the most thoroughly documented traditional botanicals. Recently "rediscovered" based on studies by Russian scientists.
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